David Costigan

Senior Accountant


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Best career moment so far?

Being from a farming background, everyone thought I would end up working in a country town after leaving the farm. Working at Allworths in the Sydney CBD, with a range of urban and rural clients, has enabled me to consistently experience the best of both worlds. I have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to live in the city while simultaneously keeping up with rural matters.

Most memorable client experience?

I once had an elderly client who unfortunately suffered a stroke in Pitt Street Mall, resulting in a severe loss of mental and physical capacity. Despite his very ample means, the gentleman was not very fond of parting with his cash, particularly where the ATO was concerned. As he had no family, I was appointed his financial guardian, which included having to find him a nursing home. He was placed in a very nice one close to the city and I would occasionally visit him. He generally seemed oblivious to what was happening but, during one particular visit, he asked what the nursing home was costing him. I duly responded and for one moment I think he fully comprehended what I had said.

Favourite sport?

I am a total rugby tragic, having played the game well into my 30s. I am sure the social aspect and the school I attended had a considerable influence on my passion for the game. I no longer play rugby but still like to keep fit and regularly exercise by jogging, swimming, bike riding and hiking along with the occasional park run.

Best travel destination or story?

I have travelled to many places around the world and without a doubt the most beautiful place I have visited is El Nido in the Philippines. Think tropical islands, turquoise coloured waters, white sand beaches, coral reefs and limestone cliffs. Unfortunately, since my visit several years ago, it has now been discovered by the masses.