Photo of Grace Shen

Grace Shen

Audit Director


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Best career moment so far?

I have enjoyed many great moments since the beginning of my professional career. I am probably most proud of becoming an ASIC registered company auditor at such an early age. Not only does it require many years of work experience but, more importantly, a good mentor within an excellent work environment. I consider myself very lucky to have both here at Allworths!

What's different about Allworths?

In my 10+ years of being in public practice, I have worked for more than 4 professional firms. Working at Allworths has been the most fulfilling due to its strong commitment to client satisfaction and business efficiency. The friendly culture and spirit here make me want to stay for a long time and call it home.

How do you achieve work-life balance?

I like to work hard and play hard. When working, I always give it my complete focus and attention. The same applies when taking time off to enjoy life. I don’t waste a single moment in either case. I love travelling around the world with friends and family to embrace the beauty of nature, taste new foods and learn about diverse cultures. In 2016, I was lucky to spend 2 months in Europe with family doing all the above – an unforgettable holiday.

Favourite hobby?

I enjoy working as a volunteer, especially in the Chinese community; I enjoy helping others, listening to them and assisting however I can for worthwhile causes.