Xero App Series: CloudPayroll

Welcome to the third instalment of our Xero App Series covering some of the best and most popular Xero add-ons that could greatly assist you in your business.

Over the last two months, we’ve explored Spotlight Reporting and Receipt Bank. In case you’ve missed them, here’s our quick introduction to why we’re running this series.

In this blog series, we wanted to draw your attention not to Xero’s core features but to the 800+ add-on apps that feature in Xero’s App Marketplace of approved third-party software providers and products. This ecosystem of added functionality is part of Xero’s winning edge over other accounting systems, bringing a world of additional possibility, insight and power to your business.

Considering most of our clients have made the switch and we are a Xero partner firm, we’re going to look at a different Xero app each month and explore the significant added value it brings. These apps are in use all over the world and are some of the most popular currently available in the App Marketplace.

We would be very happy to assist you with any further questions, especially if you are interested in a trial implementation in your business.

This month, we’re on to…


The aptly-named CloudPayroll is a popular cloud-based solution that allows you to effortlessly manage your payroll. It simplifies and streamlines many processes for you including managing leave, superannuation and employee records. 

Category: Payroll HR

Rating: 5/5 stars on Xero

Founding details: CloudPayroll was founded in 2011 by its New Zealand parent company, iPayroll. It was developed and designed specifically for Australian businesses. 

Scenario: You may be finding it hard to keep track of your employees’ pay, leave, benefits or any other aspect of paying and managing your employees; not to mention in a Single Touch Payroll-compliant manner. This issue may be of increasing concern as your business expands, or, maybe you’re starting out and want to manage your employees efficiently from the get go. 

Whether you have just a few employees, are an enterprise with several hundred employees, or anything in between, CloudPayroll can streamline your payroll process. Additionally, they can cater for a group of businesses, a franchise, or a professional group with multiple unrelated businesses.


Through its numerous features, CloudPayroll allows you to keep on top of everything payroll-related, saving you precious time.

CloudPayroll simplifies the process of setting up payroll and managing leave, PAYG, superannuation, ATO lodgements (for Single Touch Payroll) and employee records all in a cloud-based system. Additionally, its Employee Kiosk feature makes it easy for employees to: view their payslips and work history, make changes to their personal details, view their projected leave balance for a future date, apply for leave and submit time sheets. All this functionality seamlessly integrates with Xero to maximise efficiency.

CloudPayroll ensures you remain compliant through regular updates to keep up with legislative or regulatory changes, which is also a great perk of cloud accounting software more generally. And its comprehensive reporting suite provides you with 50+ reports including financial, HR, leave, tax and payroll reports.

Additionally, the CloudPayroll team offers free ongoing support and will assist in your setup and transition to CloudPayroll (or our setup on your behalf).

Integration with Xero:

CloudPayroll can send General Ledger postings directly into Xero as authorised accounts payable invoices. Once the payments have been debited from the bank account, these invoices can be reconciled to the payments using Xero’s Bank Reconciliation. CloudPayroll can track your payroll costs to your chart of account codes and you can also assign tracking categories to these codes.

To learn more about CloudPayroll, visit the Xero App Marketplace or CloudPayroll’s website.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about integrating CloudPayroll with your Xero account.

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